Embracing aviation diversity.
Fly For The Culture Magazine showcases the contributions of a diverse, inclusive aviation community.
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Christian Cunningham
Christian Cunningham, a senior aeronautical studies major at Kent State University, has been doubted. Some…
Lauren Williams
Lauren Willliams knew she wanted to fly after going to an air show with her…
Cosby Washington
Cosby Washingtion’s life-long dream to become a pilot started in the third-grade with a science…
Alexis Thind
Alexis Thind is a private pilot, currently completing her commercial pilot certificate in Squamish, a…
Pinky Patel
When five-year-old Pinky Patel insisted on piloting the air museum static display, her mom suggested…
Malik Sinegal
Malik Sinegal took his first airplane flight as a teen when a local volunteer offered…
Colonel Merryl Tengesdal
Merryl Tengesdal is the first and only African American female U-2 pilot. Her military career…